My best friend's bridal shower!

septembre 17, 2013

Can you guess how many there were? More than you think!

Hello there!

I just got back from a weekend of fun for my best friend’s bachelorette party. I helped plan it, and it was a milestone which the bride-to-be will never forget. I’m going to share all the details and photos with you here today…

NOT! With social media nowadays, it’s too easy to get carried away and share EVERYTHING, but I know better than to risk my best friend\bridesmaid status. However, I did participate in planning her shower earlier this summer. Have I mentioned that I love party planning? I’m sure NaNa Toulouse will agree when I say that it’s all in the little details!

It was a reasonably sized party for 45 guests (closest friends and family of the future married couple.) The bridesmaids and I sat with the bride’s mom one month before the party, and we created an entire schedule of games squeezed in between each course of the meal. Having never planned a wedding shower before, this was the smartest thing to do, because at the party, we didn’t miss a beat. I feel like guests can tell when a party is poorly organized, and this one certainly was not!

Instead of place cards, little boxes filled with candy had guests' names written on them.

I like crafts and cute things, and I also have time off in the summer. I handled the cute and crafty parts of the shower. My mom helped, she’s my crafts-on-a-budget go-to person (she could make something out of anything!) I counted jellybeans, filled little boxes with candy, and used the perfect pen to write guests’ names on them. Fun times!

My mom, she rocks. Also: Flower arrangements for the bridesmaids. I helped, I promise. 

In the end, the party was a blast. The bride-to-be was truly impressed, and so were the guests. Us bridesmaids were beaming with pride! It’s almost time for the wedding, and I can’t wait to see my best friend marry the love of her life! Awwww!

Géraldine xxx

Géraldine, collaboratrice du mardi
À propos de l'auteur:

Géraldine est une professeure d'école secondaire, elle est aussi une de mes amies les plus chères. Fan finie de médias sociaux, Instagram est de loin son préféré d'entre tous. Suivez-la sous @geraldinea pour en découvrir davantage sur elle. Le mardi elle nous présente ses trouvailles de la semaine! C'est un rendez-vous! xo

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