Aux Vivres

octobre 01, 2013

You may or may not have taken notice, but I’ve mentioned before that my eating habits have changed in the last year. I eat healthy and whole foods as often as I can, and I like to eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Instagram has helped me see that there are so many possibilities to healthy food, and that healthy isn’t limited to carrot and celery sticks.


My good friend Laura is a vegan, and she has definitely been a great influence in my life. While I have yet to make the leap to vegetarianism, I have opened my eyes to vegan cuisine. Trust me, I love eggs and I love cheese. But who knew there could be such delicious meals made with only plant-based ingredients? Vegans, that’s who! In Montreal, there are a select few restaurants that offer a completely vegan friendly menu, and let me tell you, they do NOT disappoint!

chili and fries... mmmm.

One in particular is a restaurant that has been around for a little while. Back in the day, when I was surrounded by much more eclectic co-workers, I remember some of them raving about Aux Vivres, a vegan restaurant in the plateau in Montreal. “You just HAVE to try their vegan BLT… it’s to die for!” And they were right. A few years later, those words resonated in my mind as I tried one of the most delicious sandwiches I have ever eaten in my life (no exaggeration!) Smoked coconut, vegan mayo, tomato, lettuce, and their homemade chapatti bread… O.M.G. And it’s not just sandwiches… chili with fries, burgers, thai dishes… all deliciously vegan. Totally mind blowing.

veggie burger!

Aux Vivres really knows how to make vegan food appealing to all food lovers. But don’t take my word for it, go ahead and give them a try. It may not make you a vegan, but you’ll certainly appreciate healthy vegan cuisine.

Aux Vivres is located at 4631 Saint-Laurent Boulevard in Montreal.

desserts! carrot cake and chocolate-banana pie

Geraldine xoxo

Géraldine, collaboratrice du mardi
À propos de l'auteur:

Géraldine est une professeure d'école secondaire, elle est aussi une de mes amies les plus chères. Fan finie de médias sociaux, Instagram est de loin son préféré d'entre tous. Suivez-la sous @geraldinea pour en découvrir davantage sur elle. Le mardi elle nous présente ses trouvailles de la semaine! C'est un rendez-vous! xo

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3 commentaires

  1. My favourite vegan restaurant in Montreal. But I only know two, Chu Chai, which I love too, and Aux Vivres. I never miss meat when I go there. Their BLTs and their sheperd's pies are the best I had. And their desserts are to die for.

  2. I myself never went! But Geraldine's description sounds awesome. I'm going next time I'm in Mtl, for sure!!!
    Thanks Guillaume,

    Alexïs xo

  3. Other vegan restaurants in Montreal that are a must:

    Lola Rosa (the new one on Park is amazing - also vegan poutine all year long, the one on Milton is cosy and sweet - both vegetarian rather than vegan though)

    Crudessence - one of the most famous no doubt. Raw vegan food, desserts are a must.

    Green Panther - falafels are yummy, so is everything else.

    Yuan (on Saint-Denis, almost corner of Sherbrooke) : best vegan (vegetarian but all options can be made vegan) asian restaurant in Montreal. Quite unexpensive, huge portions, and they do wonders, especially with their mock-chicken general tao and their pad thai.

    Propulsion - vegan cantine that just opened in the gay village. Few options but all really good, very nice place, super friendly staff.

    Burritoville - omg sweet potato burritos.

    Le Nil Bleu - super vegan friendly ethiopian restaurant. Great atmosphere. Perfect to go on a date.

    Chu Chai, though, is highly disappointed and quite overrated in my opinion - also fairly expensive.


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