Things my husband cooks for me: Potato gratin!

octobre 08, 2013

If you’re anything like the majority of my Facebook friends, you probably went apple picking last weekend. And why not? It was the perfect weekend to get your fall ON!  This weekend, my hubby and I went on a day-trip with his family to the Eastern Townships, and we scored some serious goods (including locally smoked salmon, delicious wine and a gorgeous vintage wine rack!) Inspired by the local harvest, we were really excited to eat something seasonal.

Cream of leek and potato was the original menu for the gorgeous leeks I got at the Jean-Talon market. (It’s my all-time favourite soup. ALL TIME.) However, while flipping through the latest issue of Canadian Living, my hubby and I changed our minds. We just had to eat The Ultimate Potato Gratin.

If you’re in the mood for some creamy potatoes, try it with some aromatic leeks, bits of bacon, all covered in a crispy layer of bread-crumbs and gruyere cheese… it’s SO good! My hubby describes it as rich and delicious, but I’d say it was comforting and satisfying. He served it with the meat pie we got in the country, but this was the kinda meal where the side-dish stole the show. It’s essentially fall in a side-dish!

Happy harvesting and bon appétit!
Ger xoxoxo

The Ultimate Potato Gratin (Canadian Living)

-          1 leek
-          approx. 10 medium potatoes
-          4 slices of bacon
-          1.5 cup of chicken broth
-          1 cup of cream (35%)
-          1.5 cup of milk
-          3 sprigs of fresh thyme
-          2 cloves of garlic
-          salt and pepper to taste
-          pinch of nutmeg
-          1.5 cup of gruyere cheese
-          2 tbsp. of melted butter

Cook thinly sliced leek in oil until soft. Remove from heat. Cook bacon and drain its fat with a paper towel. Mix potato slices, cream, chicken broth, milk, thyme, garlic, salt, pepper, and nutmeg, and simmer together over medium heat for 10 minutes. When potatoes are tender, transfer it all into a greased baking dish. Cover potatoes with leeks, bacon, gruyere cheese and fresh bread crumbs (mixed with butter.) Bake in the over at 400 degrees for 25-30 minutes. Enjoy!

Géraldine, collaboratrice du mardi
À propos de l'auteur:

Géraldine est une professeure d'école secondaire, elle est aussi une de mes amies les plus chères. Fan finie de médias sociaux, Instagram est de loin son préféré d'entre tous. Suivez-la sous @geraldinea pour en découvrir davantage sur elle. Le mardi elle nous présente ses trouvailles de la semaine! C'est un rendez-vous! xo

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