My furry hat!

février 25, 2014


We’re all kinda reaching that breaking point. Take a deep breath; spring is almost here! Every year, it seems like winter just never ends. Just when we think we’ve had our last snow storm, we get hit with one more. Well, that’s just the kind of reality we have to deal with. Luckily, we seem to forget winter’s brutality once we’re sitting on a terrace sharing drinks with friends.

For the past two years, I’ve been well equipped for winter. I came across my faux-fur Nathaniel Cole hat in December of 2012, while shopping around at the Bay (where else?) I couldn’t get this furry beauty out of my mind, so I went back, and I bought it. Never have I ever loved a hat so much! It’s pretty, delicate, and of course, super warm. Also, it’s been my most stylish winter accessory. I feel special when wearing it, especially since I constantly get stared. Yes, it may be a bit much for certain people, but I’ve gotten many compliments as well. A friend told me she could never wear such an attention-grabbing hat, and we agreed that it suits my personality. I’ve been compared to a Russian model and a cute Eskimo. I’ll take it!

Click here to know more about the Furry hat!

A hat sometimes isn’t just a hat. It’s what brightens up a cold, long, wintery day. As much as I’m excited to wear flip-flops and tank tops, my furry hat continues to keep me warm and happy. 

Géraldine Xx

Géraldine, collaboratrice du mardi
À propos de l'auteur:
Géraldine est une professeure d'école secondaire, elle est aussi une de mes amies les plus chères. Fan finie de médias sociaux, Instagram est de loin son préféré d'entre tous. Suivez-la sous @geraldinea pour en découvrir davantage sur elle. Le mardi elle nous présente ses trouvailles de la semaine! C'est un rendez-vous! xo

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