Host a tea party!‏

mars 25, 2014

Have you ever been to a tea party? The kind you used to pretend to host when you were a child, surrounded by your stuffed animal friends, pretending to drink from empty cups, and discussing all things lovely? Well I went to a real one recently, and let me tell you, it was lo-O-ovely!

My cousin-in-law-to-be has always dreamt of a tea party for her bridal shower. Her mom and sister did not disappoint: they transformed their entire living room and dining room into the most beautiful tea salon for all 40 guests. They rented little tables and pretty chairs. 

They had the classiest setting, complete with teapot centerpieces and tiny tea cups. Simply gorgeous! Guests were treated to classic tea party eats, like cucumber sandwiches and tea cookies, as well as cakes and other amuse-bouche. 

And of course, there was a wide range of teas for all to enjoy. Everything was absolutely delightful!

I think a tea party is the kind of get-together that is simple, and it doesn’t have to be for any occasion in particular. I doubt we ever need an excuse to use our prettiest tea cups other than the fact that we want to. Flowers in a teapot? That’s gorgeous any day of the year! Invite your friends over for a nibble and cup of tea. It’s classy and simply delightful!

Géraldine xoxo

Géraldine, collaboratrice du mardi
À propos de l'auteur:

Géraldine est une professeure d'école secondaire, elle est aussi une de mes amies les plus chères. Fan finie de médias sociaux, Instagram est de loin son préféré d'entre tous. Suivez-la sous @geraldinea pour en découvrir davantage sur elle. Le mardi elle nous présente ses trouvailles de la semaine! C'est un rendez-vous! xo

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