#Lunchbox motivation!

avril 22, 2014

Ask any teacher what their favourite part of the workday is, and many of them will answer lunch! It’s a time to unwind, catch up with colleagues, and, of course, eat! In my opinion, lunch HAS to be delicious and nutritious. Honestly, for years, I was bringing the same old sandwich to work. I never knew how depressing that was until a colleague of mine, who always had amazing lunches, said: “I have to have a good lunch, or else there’s nothing to look forward to in my workday.” It’s like she flipped a light switch in my brain. A good lunch = motivation and happiness!

In the last two years, my lunches have been the object of admiration of my colleagues, and I’m filled with pride! Working in a school, lunchtime is limited to a maximum of 50 minutes. Our choices are also limited in terms of what to eat: the cafeteria is now free of French fries and soda (good) but cold pizza and the tiniest portion of salad is not what I call motivating.

What’s for lunch today? I prepared a BIG GREEN SALAD: arugula, cherry tomatoes, cucumber slices, avocado, and chia seeds. I don’t really like store bought dressing (usually because I’ll end up pouring the entire bottle,) so I use olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and salt. Then there’s a mini V8, some pieces of cantaloupe and a vanilla yogurt. It might not look like much, but a heavy lunch is never a good idea. I can never work properly when I eat heavy because all I want to do is sleep! Total prep time: 20 minutes. It may seem like a lot, but when I think about how excited I’ll be to eat the next day, it’s all worth it. Down with boring lunches! What are you having today? Make it a good one :) 

Geraldine xoxo

Géraldinecollaboratrice du mardi matin
À propos de l'auteur:

Géraldine est une professeure d'école secondaire, elle est aussi une de mes amies les plus chères. Fan finie de médias sociaux, Instagram est de loin son préféré d'entre tous.  Le mardi matin, elle nous présente ses trouvailles de la semaine et ce, toujours dans la langue de Shakespeare! C'est un rendez-vous! Suivez-la sous @geraldinea pour en découvrir davantage sur elle! 

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