Cupcake Currency in New York City #CupcakeATM

mai 01, 2014

Oh, New York City. I love your hustle, your electric energy and your larger than life attitude. And now, you have a Cupcake ATM machine? It’s all too much to handle.


A few weeks ago, Sprinkles Bakery opened up a 24/7 Cupcake ATM machine on the Upper East Side. For $4.25, the machine will dispense one of 20 different flavors within seconds. I don’t know how critical it is for the good people of NYC to get their hands on a cupcake at the wee hours of the morning, but hey, it’s a fun gimmick so why not! The bakery actually already has a few machines in other US cities like Chicago and Beverly Hills.

You better believe the next time I’m in NYC, I’ll hit up the Cupcake ATM machine, sit at a bench in Central Park and stuff my face with a cupcake as runners glare at me enviously. In my humble, cupcake-eating opinion, those who say the cupcake trend is over simply couldn’t be more wrong. Long live the cupcake! I & you, NYC.

Sally xo

Sally, collaboratrice du jeudi avant-midi
à propos de l'auteur : 

Passionnée de médias sociaux et du marketing, Sally reste à l’affut de tout ce qui se passe en ville. Elle partagera ses découvertes montréalaises ainsi que ses coups de cœur délicieux et incontournables. Tous les jeudis, suivez ses péripéties de jeune professionnelle qui se dérouleront au cours de 5à7s, de « dates » (hihi!), de fins de semaine partiellement endiablées, et d’évènements spéciaux

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