Recycle, be beautiful, save the planet! #BacktoMAC

mai 06, 2014

I wear a reasonable amount of makeup. Define reasonable, you say? Every couple of months, I need to replenish my stash of its essentials (blush, mascara, eyeliner.) Do you ever wonder what to do with your empty containers? Maybe you just toss them, but there are a few companies out there that encourage their customers to recycle!

Considering the amount of plastic that gets thrown into our dumps on a daily basis, it’s important to take personal steps to saving our environment. I myself am a recycling nut: my husband now knows that almost nothing goes into the garbage bin, and practically everything must be reused or recycled. It’s just a way of life that needs a little getting used to.

So, you can imagine the tremendous joy in my heart when I heard about MAC’s “Back to MAC” recycling program: bring six empty MAC containers to any MAC store or counter, and receive a free lipstick in the colour of your choice! Talk about an incentive to save the planet, and look glamorous while doing it!


Another company with an interesting recycling program is LUSH. Their whole line is entirely eco-friendly, and they try to keep packaging to a strict minimum. However, the products that DO come in plastic containers are “naked”, as in, label free. Bring 5 of your empty containers back to the store and receive a free facial mask.

Doing your little beauty bit to save the planet may be a small gesture, but if you can get free stuff out of it, than there really is no reason for you not to!

For more info on Back to MAC, see here!

For more info on Lush products, see here!

Geraldine xoxo

Géraldinecollaboratrice du mardi matin
À propos de l'auteur:

Géraldine est une professeure d'école secondaire, elle est aussi une de mes amies les plus chères. Fan finie de médias sociaux, Instagram est de loin son préféré d'entre tous.  Le mardi matin, elle nous présente ses trouvailles de la semaine et ce, toujours dans la langue de Shakespeare! C'est un rendez-vous! Suivez-la sous @geraldinea pour en découvrir davantage sur elle! 

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