Stack Wine: Vino to go! #StackWine

mai 15, 2014


Who doesn’t look forward to a nice glass of wine with their supper after a long day at work? If you live alone though, it could mean opening a whole bottle and then being “forced” to drink from it the rest of the week (or faster) so it doesn’t go bad. It’s quite frankly a race against time. This is one of the reasons why I need Stack Wine in my life.

The Stack Wine comes poured and sealed in shatterproof single glasses so that you don’t have to open a whole bottle. They’re also incredibly convenient if you’re going to a fun little picnic, your friend’s rooftop or any other outdoor function that’s enhanced by booze; no need to lug around glasses, a bottle and an opener.

Of course once done, you can reuse the glasses for more drinking or repurpose them as decor around the house (mini vases, floating votive candle holder, stacked candy cups, just get fancy with them)! 

Stack Wine is sold as 4 glasses packaged together. The types of wine are currently limited to 4 kinds and unfortunately, Stack Wine isn’t yet available in Canada, but here’s hoping they continue to expand and grace us with their super convenient presence.!

Sally xo

Sally, collaboratrice du jeudi avant-midi
à propos de l'auteur :
Passionnée de médias sociaux et du marketing, Sally reste à l’affut de tout ce qui se passe en ville. Elle partagera ses découvertes montréalaises ainsi que ses coups de cœur délicieux et incontournables. Tous les jeudis, suivez ses péripéties de jeune professionnelle qui se dérouleront au cours de 5à7s, de « dates » (hihi!), de fins de semaine partiellement endiablées, et d’évènements spéciaux

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