#Terrarium: the trendier houseplant

mai 20, 2014

Terrariums are the trendiest things to happen to indoor plants since the chia pet. In fact, it’s a revival of a past trend. 


A lot of people I know are simply not interested in trying to maintain a house plant. However, these same people are into home décor and trends. The terrarium is the perfect idea for these said people. As for myself, a self-proclaimed plant-lover, I can’t help but squeal when I see one! Terrarium are simply too cute.
Succulents (or mini cactus, really) are low maintenance. Keep them in a reasonably warm area, and they’ll be happy. Little watering is required. You could purchase a kit, but you could also design one on your own. You’ll need few simple items that can easily be found at a flower shop or a home and garden store:

·      A medium size glass jar
·      Some black earth
·      A few stones
·      A little bit of moss
·      Some succulent plants



Even if you don’t have any gardening skills, this is pretty straight forward. When you combine the items, you just have to make sure that the earth is sufficiently moist. (Watering with a spray bottle should be good enough.) And, of course, keep your terrarium in a warm spot. Succulents love the heat!

And if you dare go a little silly, you can pretty much be as creative as you want. Little figurines, different types of plants, and even sea shells can make any vivarium a beautiful little masterpiece.

So if you’re into plants, but aren’t crazy about fussing over keeping one alive, terrariums are a simpler (and cuter) alternative.

Geraldine xoxo

Géraldinecollaboratrice du mardi matin
À propos de l'auteur:

Géraldine est une professeure d'école secondaire, elle est aussi une de mes amies les plus chères. Fan finie de médias sociaux, Instagram est de loin son préféré d'entre tous.  Le mardi matin, elle nous présente ses trouvailles de la semaine et ce, toujours dans la langue de Shakespeare! C'est un rendez-vous! Suivez-la sous @geraldinea pour en découvrir davantage sur elle! 

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