On-Demand Food Delivery: FreshMint #FreshMint #feedme

juillet 03, 2014

It’s lunchtime. You head down to the food court or cafeteria, pressed for time, hangry and nauseated by all the familiar greasy scents that surround you there. “I don’t want to eat any of this”, you whine daily about your First World problem. Sounds familiar? Well, FreshMint has arrived to solve your daily “what should I eat” dilemma for lunch or even supper.

When you sign up on their site, you’ll begin receiving emails with the daily appetizing menu and the inspiration behind the meal. Simply click on the link to order, enter your payment info and the lunch or supper will be delivered to you under 30 minutes. The meals are prepared by chef Marco Barone, who was formally trained at the Quebec’s Institute of Culinary Arts and Management (I.T.H.Q.), so it doesn’t get more delicious than this. The meals are created with fresh, seasonal products, they are greatly varied and they often have international inspiration behind them.

FreshMint has a slick operation from their Old Port headquarters that allows hundreds of high-quality meals to be cooked and transported to the designated delivery areas during specific times. My on-demand meal showed up via a smiling bike courier, waiting for me in my building’s lobby with my hot meal and fresh fruit in hand. For a $10 a month membership, you can order your meal for $9 (tax, tip and delivery included). Otherwise, it’ll be a well-spent $12 for a full lunch or supper that’ll make your colleagues jealous and your taste buds happy. FreshMint is also available to cater events and it has already associated itself with a number of Montreal events and earned rave reviews.

I simply love hearing about exciting, local startups that change the way we think, eat, move, and live our lives. I’m thrilled FreshMint is here to nourish us and help us be healthier every day!

**Credit: Copyright from FreshMint Facebook Page**

Sally xo

Sally, collaboratrice du jeudi avant-midi
à propos de l'auteur : 

Passionnée de médias sociaux et du marketing, Sally reste à l’affut de tout ce qui se passe en ville. Elle partagera ses découvertes montréalaises ainsi que ses coups de cœur délicieux et incontournables. Tous les jeudis, suivez ses péripéties de jeune professionnelle qui se dérouleront au cours de 5à7s, de « dates » (hihi!), de fins de semaine partiellement endiablées, et d’évènements spéciaux

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