Top Annoying Things to Say to a Single Person #allthesingleladies

juillet 31, 2014

When it comes to being single, it seems everyone else will take it upon themselves to help you rationalize the singlehood and offer up every piece of advice imaginable. While it most likely comes from a good place, certain questions and comments definitely can be annoying. Here’s a short list of my very favorites.


1.     You must be picky
After dating for so long and meeting countless people, you (hopefully) start to hone in on what works and doesn’t work, and what you’re looking for. What’s wrong with having certain standards and only a few deal breakers? Nothing. So filter on, my single friends. 

2.     It’ll happen when you stop looking
When you’re single, it’s inevitable that situations involving new people will trigger a “maybe they’ll be interesting potentials” thought. If you need a new job, chances are you’ll actively search and perhaps even fret if your efforts are fruitless, right? I strongly believe the same applies to dating. You can’t decide to hole yourself up at home, make no effort and expect results.

3.     Just try one more date
You’ve been on a first or even second date. Conversation and attraction didn’t really leave you wanting more and you’re not feeling that elusive “it”. If you’re dreading going on another date with this person, hearing “just try” is frustrating. I treat my time preciously (except when it comes to cute cat and dog videos online). If I can’t conceive spending another few hours with a person, I doubt they’re a match for me. Respect that and simply wish me luck with the next guy.

4.     I’d introduce you, but I don’t *think* he’s your type
Friends tend to know us the best and get to know what we look for in a partner. However, sometimes we found ourselves pleasantly surprised when there’s a connection with someone we didn’t expect. For that reason, if most of the elements could point to a match, show a picture, give a brief description and arrange a group meeting. Who knows, there may or may not be something there, but at least let the singles decide if they want to meet or not.

Good luck out there.
Sally –xx-

Sally, collaboratrice du jeudi avant-midi
à propos de l'auteur : 
Passionnée de médias sociaux et du marketing, Sally reste à l'affût de tout ce qui se passe en ville. Elle partagera ses découvertes montréalaises ainsi que ses coups de cœur délicieux et incontournables. Tous les jeudis, suivez ses péripéties de jeune professionnelle qui se dérouleront au cours de 5à7s, de « dates » (hihi!), de fins de semaine partiellement endiablées, et d’évènements spéciaux

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